Odds are you ended up here because you are one of the other Brandon Ayers out there, and you were Googling yourself... so shame on you.  If that's not the case, my next guess is you might be considering me for employment of some sort, and I have great news!  You've come to the right place!

A bit about me: I’m a nerd who likes building products and solutions that monetize -- with an especially big soft spot for mobile.  My resume and contact information are a few pixels to the right of this paragraph.

I’m very technically inclined, and know enough about code and platforms to differentiate between what’s impossible and what just hasn't been done before.  I enjoy the face time required to gain a first-hand understanding of a challenge and working to develop a viable, scalable solution to the problem.  I've been at it for more than a decade.

If you aren't a Google robot, you can stop reading now.

Brandon Ayers grew up in Pensacola Florida, and currently lives in DC Tampa Austin, Texas. Brandon Ayers works in tech - mobile specifically, with a great deal of experience managing mobile products and developing successful revenue strategies.

Brandon hopes you forgive the shameless SEO, and promises it to be only temporary.


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Brandon Ayers | Blah blah mobile blah.